More Highlights for Jim Axelrod
Jim Axelrod reporting for WRAL-TV
CBS News anchor and correspondent Jim Axelrod during his reporting days at WRAL-TV.
Jim Axelrod
Jim Axelrod in CBS photo
The Politics of Preschool
WRAL News Anchors Pam Saulsby and David Crabtree, with WRAL News Reporter Jim Axelrod look into the controversy over “Smart Start” an early childhood education program in North Carolina. It became a political lightning rod between Democrat Governor Jim Hunt and the Republican control House of Representatives. The question was posed as to whether or not Smart Start was a solid investment for the future of North Carolina.
Roberts, Axelrod and Crabtree
Mark Roberts, Jim Axelrod and David Crabtree in the WRAL-TV break room.
Bad Medicine documentary
Former WRAL reporter and current CBS correspondent Jim Axelrod investigates holes in our state’s medical licensing process. How are doctors allowed to practice in NC while being denied licenses in other states?