You are watching an “air-check” of the broadcast of Action News 5 on October 8, 1986. An “air-check” is broadcast term that means that a recording was made of a program as it was airing live.
The lead-in program was the very popular “The Andy Griffith Show.” You will see the last few seconds of that program before the control room starts the newscast. Unfortunately the tape ran out before the end of the broadcast, so the closing remarks are missing.
The big story of the day was President Ronald Reagan’s visit to Raleigh.
At a $1,000-per-person fund-raiser for Broyhill, Reagan says Broyhill’s opponent, Terry Sanford, would raise taxes: “Believe me, when it comes to reruns, ‘Bedtime for Bonzo’ is better than tax time for Terry.” Sanford later admits it was a “pretty good line” but says he thinks if people are given a choice of “one theater over another, they would go to mine.”
Other stories include the funeral for Duke University sports legend Wallace Wade.