More Highlights for Bette Elliot
Bette Elliott
Femme Fare host enjoying a moment at WRAL-TV 10th anniversary open house in 1966.
Bette Elliott greets guests
Femme Fare host greets guests at WRAL-TV 10th anniversary celebration.
Femme Fare models
Models posing for Femme Fare television show. Host Bette Elliott always featured the latest fashions on her signature program.
Fort Bragg reporters on Femme Fare
Every week reporters from Fort Bragg would appear on Femme Fare to bring viewers military news. L-R: Private Paul Michels and Sergeant Bill Altman in a December 1966 photo.
Sewing contest winner
Best in show winner of sewing contest held in 1974 or 75. The contest was held in conjunction with Bette Elliott and her Femme Fare program. L-R: Lynne Abbott Adams; Betty Abbott and a representative of the appliance store that provided the TV prize.