1983 NCSU Basketball Champions meet President Obama
The 1983 NCSU Basketball team, led by coach Jim Valvano, won the NCAA Basketball championship in thrilling fashion. The team was known as the “Cardiac Pack” due to their “heart stopping” last second victories. The championship game was won with a “buzzer beater” as well. NCSU beat the University of Houston 54-52.
Championship teams usually make a trip to the White House and meet with the President as part of their victory celebration. However, the NCSU basketball team did not make trip. Watch and listen at 1 minute 50 seconds into the video, you will hear President Obama pose the same question. NCSU player, Terry Gannon, answered the question. The television station that offered to step in and help out was WRAL-TV.
May 9, 2016 became a special day for the NCSU players. Sadly, Lorenzo Charles, the player who made the winning dunk died in 2011. Legendary Coach Jim Valvano passed away from cancer in 1993.