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More Highlights for Jim Graham

  • “Back-in-the-Day” Photos

    1. Can you name this North Carolina politician who was a guest disc-jockey on WRAL-AM on a summer day in 1951? a) Thad Eure, NC Secretary of State b) W. Kerr Scott, Governor c) Jim Graham, NC Commissioner of Agriculture
  • Ray Wilkinson spits with the best of them

    WRAL legend spits watermelon seed while NC Ag Commissioner Jim Graham cheers him on.

  • Jim Graham NC Commissioner of Agriculture swallows tobacco

    Jim Graham (1921 – 2003) was appointed by Governor Terry Sanford to be the NC Commissoner of Agriculture in 1964 and was relected eight times. He served until January 2001. Graham was very popular with North Carolinians. He was easily recognized wearing a Stetson hat, cowboy boots, and a cigar in his hand. In this video we see the peril of chewing tobacco while giving an interview. Graham was a graduate of NCSU.